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Double Bell Trumpet and Modular Synth improvisation (2024) - David Aguila

Althing I (2020) - Ulrich Krieger

“The Althing (Islandic: Alþingi), founded in 930 at Þingvellir in Iceland is the oldest parliament of an independent state in the world. It was a neutral, weapons-free zone, where the various Viking clans of Iceland met to discuss political, social and religious issues and solve general problems. Trumpets, or brass instruments in general, are some of the oldest instruments we know of. They were used as signaling instruments as well as instruments for rituals, especially funeral and death rituals (therefore: instruments of darkness). While today, brass instruments are rather thought of as a (positive) festive instrument. Althing connects with this archaic and dark side of the brass tradition, hidden at the dawn of European history.” - Ulrich Krieger

Performed November 2023 as part of my final DMA Recital at the University of California San Diego Department of Music

Shabah (2021/22) - Nasim Khorassani

Shabah is a 10-minute music piece for solo double-bell trumpet with light, choreography, and costume, exploring the auditory and visual illusions in a non/low-tech setting. The light only requires a person to control turning off and on the audience and stage a spotlight at the very beginning and very end of the piece; however, it will require a small rehearsal. There is a need for a spotlight on the stage/performance area in front of the audience, focused on a chair and a music stand that will.

January 12, 2024 performance [Working Title] Project Blank SD

dappled, decoded (2022) - Marguerite Brown

Teresa Díaz de Cossio - flute

Grace Talaski - Bb clarinet, bass clarinet

David Aguila - trumpet in C

Berk Schneider - trombone

Kosuke Matsuda - percussion

Rand Steiger - conductor

recorded by Tornike Karchkhadze

score digitized by Tristan Gianola

Hearing Landscapes Hearing Icescapes (2022) - Lei Liang

Teresa Díaz de Cossio - Flute

David Aguila - Trumpet

Myra Hinrichs - Violin

flight for Double Bell Trumpet and Live Electronics (2021) - Kitty Xiao

Uknown (2018) - Nasim Khorassani

Teresa Díaz de Cossio - Flute

David Aguila - Trumpet

Ilana Waniuk - Violin

Prismatic Bells (2018) - David Aguila

Dissectionary Moments I, II, III (2017) - David Aguila

Dissectionary Moments I, is influenced by the minuscule repetitions which interject human life. Individually, as we pass through time we form cyclical patterns, the recurrences of the past returning to the present which extract the mind to relive a moment in an unexpected context spanning through time. These brief experiences of visual deception and déjà vu, occur on an elongated scale reappearing with sometimes little to no contextual framework. Can this seemingly random recurrence be just random, or are our places in space and time malleable?  The first of this series of works, Dissectionary Moments I is the contextual placeholder of time for our future selves giving the opportunity for visual deceptions and déjà vu, the transformation of what will be present to past time to recontextualize suggesting back to this moment in time.

inconsistencies for groups of Trombones (2016) - David Aguila

A spatial piece for groups of trombones spread throughout the performance space. Each group creates dissonant beatings that interact with other groups and the space itself.

Side Effects for Brass and Percussion (2015) - David Aguila

An experimental spatial piece for brass and percussion. Side Effects has the instrumentalists use the entire space to perform in, creating an immersive sonic experience. 

Fukushima 9.0 for Trumpet and Laptop Performer (2014/15) - David Aguila

Influenced by traditional Shakuhachi music, Fukushima 9.0's four sections follow the events leading to the meltdown of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Using Ableton Live software, the Laptop performer processes the Trumpet in real time.  Projections by Blaine Nelson

#FEEDME (2014) - David Aguila

A spatial piece and interactive piece for narrator, three vocalists, and Juno-60 synthesizer has the audience participate over social media. #FEEDME sonically mimics the over consumption of social media by surrounding the audience with the performers. 

Geometrics (2014) - David Aguila

Each instrument represents a shape, Clarinet/Bass Clarinet - Square, French Horn - Triangle, Vibraphone - Line, String Bass - Circle. For each of the sections the pitch content correlates to the shape used. The Vibraphone connects each of the section together with intermezzos using material from the preceding and proceeding instruments. 

Static for Trumpet and Laptop (2014) - David Aguila

Static uses split tones as the primary technique to create consonance and dissonance with a single performer.